Inspection and Testing

Quality assurance / Quality control / Welding inspection / Safety management / Inspection and testing

Decades of experience in inspections, testing and safety

The history of our team Management referred to Inspection and Testing, Safety, has for decades boasted very important experiences and results that enrich our references of professionalism, reliability, correctness, achieved with personnel equipped with the necessary qualifications required, expert in evaluations and in compliance with the regulations in force which complete our services of Global Services ,also capitalizing on having provided support and consultancy in Commissioning, Mechanical Compliance, Field Engineering, Safety, Packaging Management and Shipment Logistics nationally and internationally.

Ispezioni e collaudi / Galleria

Full reports

Clients have often used our ability to verify and qualify suppliers' potential, their production and organizational suitability, evaluate and enforce implementation schedules, meticulously and professionally performed inspections, which are regularly provided with comprehensive reports for each type of information for Quality Control, NDT and Leakage Tests, Analysis, Evaluation of Control Plans, WPS, WPSp, TT, Certifications up to the elaboration and preparation of complete Welding Books from the supply stages to the completion of the assembly.